Status: 07/2020
for all areas of Hillebrand activities, including the area of knight tours and the associated online game areas including our competitions
Last updated: July 2020
We recommend that you keep a copy of this Agreement (including any guidelines) for your records or print it out.
We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice. The changes come into force at the time the new terms and conditions have been uploaded to our website. It is your responsibility to read the terms and conditions before placing an order. With the final order, you agree that your order is subject to the terms and conditions valid at that time. You will also receive a full copy of these terms and conditions by written request from us, or you can get it as a PDF via a link in the lower part of the page.
These Terms of Use (this "Agreement") (together with the documents named therein) are a legal agreement (contract) between you and HILLEBRAND INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE UND INTERNET SOLUTIONS GMBH & CO.KG, Am Stappenweg 8, 57439 Attendorn, Germany and their sister companies (hereinafter also referred to as "the / this / our company", "HIREIS", "Us", "us", "We" or "we"). This company, as well as these General Terms and Conditions and all documents referred to were created for the use of HIREIS games, including all games published on our official website and related services (the “Service”).
The use of the service is also subject to the data protection provisions of HIREIS and other relevant guidelines, to which reference is hereby expressly made.
Use of the service is also monitored by the HIREIS privacy policy. While using these products and services (collectively the "Services") we may ask you to provide personal information. We use and retain this information in accordance with the provisions of our Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”) and other relevant guidelines, which are incorporated herein by reference.
Our privacy policy mentions your rights in relation to your personal information, for which we have created rights forms. If you accept these terms of use, you also accept the content of the above forms.
HIREIS makes this website and its mobile games, including all information, text, graphics, software and services available for your use in accordance with the conditions set out in this document ("Terms of Use"). You agree that any use of the Services by you constitutes your acceptance of the Agreement.
By registering for an account or otherwise using the Service, you represent that you are of the age of consent. The age of consent varies: in France / Germany / Hungary the age of consent is 16 years and in Denmark / Great Britain / Sweden / Czech Republic / Cyprus the age of consent is 13 years and in the USA.
If we learn that a user under the age of 13 is accessing our ("Services"), we will immediately delete their account and any personal information we have in relation to their account.
When you access the Service through a social networking site ("SNS") such as Facebook, you must accept their terms of use and ours.
We have no control over the terms and conditions or privacy policies of social networking sites (SNS).
Context table:
How do i start
You can register to access the Services by creating an account and providing a username and / or an email address and password ("Credentials").
Access to our services is temporarily permitted. We reserve the right to withdraw or change the services or features we provide for Services without prior notice. You can use Services as a free user and may make purchases or only continue to use services as a free user. From time to time we may restrict access to some or all of the Services. We will use reasonable efforts to resolve issues and errors in the Services as soon as possible.
How do I have to handle my LOGIN information?
If you select or receive a user identification code, password or other information as part of our security procedures, you must treat this information as confidential and not disclose it to third parties.
We have the right to disable any user identification code or password chosen by you or assigned by us if we believe that you have violated any of the provisions of this Agreement. You must not allow anyone to access your account or share your account / login information. You should not do anything that could compromise the security of your account.
You are solely responsible for keeping your login information confidential, and you are solely responsible for its use, including any purchases, losses, service fees, or other changes to your account, whether or not made and authorized by you.
Do I have my username and account content?
Unless otherwise stated, you acknowledge and agree that you have no property or any other property in the Account. All rights to the account are and remain only the property of HIREIS and benefit them.
HIREIS reserves the right to remove or reclaim user names at any time for any reason, including, but not limited to, claims by third parties that a user name violates the rights of a third party.
Will my data be used by anyone other than your company?
Some of our services can be used or downloaded by mobile application platform providers such as Google or Apple. You may need to register with them and have an account in order to access and use our services.
HIREIS services are not supported by either Google or Apple. When you create an account with a mobile application platform, you are subject to the terms and conditions imposed by those platforms and acknowledge that all obligations imposed by these mobile application platforms are in addition to your obligations under these Terms of Use.
Do you have integrated tracking functions?
In order to collect information about how you use the games, we need an integrated tracking system / functions that help us to improve our services. However, we only track your gaming activity and nothing outside of the gaming.
When we use our tracking systems, we do not track the exact geographic location and cannot create an accurate picture of your actions within the services. You should also be aware that we are not using any espionage technology etc.
What is public discourse?
Public discourse refers to your presence on forums / blogs / chat functions and on any relevant platform on which you interact by making comments or giving your opinion on various topics. Everything that is published on the platforms mentioned is "USER CONTENT". HIREIS cannot guarantee the security of information that you pass on to other members. Therefore, if you have an idea or information that you want to keep confidential and / or that you do not want others to use, do not post it on the Service.
We have no obligation to rate, use, or compensate you for any ideas or information you may submit.
With this AGREEMENT, you agree that you will contact us (and our officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures and employees) in the event of any dispute with users of any claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) liberate, of any kind and nature, known and unknown, arising from or in any way connected with such disputes.
What role does "USER CONTENT" play within the service?
A very important part of our agreement is the "USER CONTENT".
"USER CONTENT" includes all notes, correspondence, images, sounds and all materials, data and information that you upload or transmit through a HIREIS Game Client or the Service, or that other users upload or transmit, including, but not limited to, chat Text.
By uploading User Content while using the Service, you guarantee us that:
a. they are accurate and not confidential or misleading;
b. there is no violation of any law, contractual restriction, or other third party right and that you have the permission of a third party whose personal information or intellectual property is contained in the User Content;
c .. these free from viruses, adware, spyware, worms or other harmful code and; and
d. that you agree that your personal data in such content will be processed by HIREIS at any time in accordance with its data protection.
Is someone monitoring the 'USER CONTENT'?
We aim to monitor as much of the "User Content" as possible to prevent violations of the Terms of Use and / or inappropriate content.
We may, at our sole discretion, change, revoke, or remove the posting of "User Content" posted in the Games or in Game-related sources. We keep a record of the history of your interactions with the Service and communications (including, but not limited to, chat text) when you use the Service. By entering these Terms of Use, you are giving us your irrevocable express consent to such monitoring and recording. You acknowledge and agree that you have no privacy expectations with respect to the transmission of User Content, including, but not limited to, chat text or voice communications.
Can I report something that I find offensive?
Of course we look forward to reports from our users. If you come across something that you find uncomfortable and that violates these terms, you can bring it to our attention by contacting us. You can find our contact information on our website and at the end of this agreement.
You must understand and agree that we are not responsible for any "User Content" generated by users of the Service. Users are fully responsible for all content they provide, upload, communicate, transmit through our games and related services.
Do I own the service I am using?
No! Subject to this Agreement and continued compliance with these Terms of Use and other relevant HIREIS policies, HIREIS grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable and limited license to access and use the Service for your own non-commercial entertainment purposes.
Can my license be canceled / suspended or terminated?
We may limit / suspend or terminate the service and user accounts if we suspect that a user is posing a risk or causing possible legal obligations, infringing intellectual property rights or violating these intellectual property rights, according to the following reasons violates our terms and policies.
We reserve the right to terminate any account that has been inactive for 180 days. HIREIS is under no obligation to compensate you for any such loss or results.
We may prohibit access to our services and this content, change or remove hosted content, and take appropriate technical and legal steps to prevent users from accessing the services. HIREIS is not obliged to reimburse you for benefits in connection with such a terminated service or to grant users benefits or other compensation.
Can I cancel my account at any time?
You have the right to terminate your account at any time and for any reason by using the link in our subscriber area and performing the process as described. On the above page you will find the email address of our data protection officer for all inquiries about personal data.
Under what conditions can I not create an account?
You are prohibited from using our services if:
i. You cannot conclude a binding contract with us and you have not yet reached the age of consent in your federal state.
ii. You are a convicted sex offender;
iii. You do not agree to these Terms of Use or
iv. we have previously prohibited you from using the HIREIS services.
Will there be any changes to these Terms of Use?
We want you to understand that we will evolve with you as you evolve.
We are constantly trying new things, so HIREIS may require you to accept updates to the HIREIS service and games that you have installed on your device or computer, or used through your computer browser.
Our technology is constantly changing, but it may not be consistent across all platforms. The performance as well as some of the functions we offer may vary depending on the device. You will receive a notification from this website as a popup or email to the address you provided when changes are made to these Terms of Use or any of our other policies. If at any time you do not agree to any part of the current version of our Terms of Use, the HIREIS Privacy Policy or any other HIREIS policy, rules or codes of conduct relating to your use of the Service, you will receive your license to use the Service will cease immediately , and you must stop using the service immediately.
What is intellectual property?
It is a term used in property law. It gives the creator certain exclusive rights to a certain type of creative design, literary and artistic works, symbols, names and images.
Do I have intellectual property rights in the Services?
No! We own or license all intellectual property rights in the Services. Services are protected by international copyright laws and treaties. You agree that the intellectual property rights in the Services are licensed and not sold to you and that you have no rights other than the right to use the Services under the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Copyrights, trademarks, and all other proprietary rights set forth in the Content, including but not limited to software, services, text, graphics, and logos (“Trademarks”), are owned by us, our group companies, or our third party partners. You may not vary, reproduce, use, copy, edit, distribute, save, publish, display, transmit, commercially exploit or distribute the trademarks without our prior written consent.
If you copy or download any portion of the Marks that violates this Agreement, your right to use the Services will immediately terminate and you must return or destroy copies of the materials you have made.
All titles, rights, and interests in and for the Service (including, but not limited to, games, titles, computer code, concepts, characters, character names, graphics, animations, stories, dialogues, themes, objects, catchphrases, sounds, musical compositions, audiovisuals Effects, moral rights, documentation, operating methods, in-game chat transcripts, character profile information, records of games played with a HIREIS game client, as well as the HIREIS game clients and server software, belong to HIREIS, if at any time there is a breach of the above This will result in the immediate revocation of your limited license and liability for any violations of the law.
References to services and software from third-party providers are given by HIREIS "AS IS" without any express or tacit guarantee of any kind.
Bevorstehende Änderungen am Verlauf
Der Übersetzungsverlauf steht bald nur noch zur Verfügung, wenn du angemeldet bist. Er wird dann zentral über Meine Aktivitäten verwaltet. Der bisherige Verlauf wird durch dieses Upgrade gelöscht. Speichere also Übersetzungen, auf die du später noch zugreifen möchtest.
Was erwartet HIREIS von mir?
Wir erwarten, dass Sie unsere Dienstleistungen genießen und auch respektieren. Sie stimmen zu, dass Sie unter keinen Umständen:
• Dienste auf eine rechtswidrige Weise verwenden, für einen rechtswidrigen Zweck oder in einer Weise, die nicht mit diesen Bedingungen vereinbar ist, oder betrügerisch oder böswillig handeln, z. B. durch Hacken oder Einfügen von schädlichen Codes, einschließlich Viren oder schädlichen Daten, in Dienste oder in andere Betriebssysteme;
• (direkt oder indirekt) an der Verwendung von Cheats, Hacks, Mods, Exploits, Automatisierungen, Bots, Software oder jeglicher Software, die zur Änderung der Funktionen der Dienste entwickelt wurde teilnehmen oder diese verwenden;
• Handlungen durchführen, die nach Ansicht von HIREIS im Widerspruch zum Geist oder zur Absicht des Dienstes stehen, oder die Support-Dienste von HIREIS absichtlich nicht ordnungsgemäß nutzen.
• Dienste in einer Weise, die illegale Aktivitäten fördert nutzen;
• unsere Rechte an geistigem Eigentum oder die Rechte Dritter in Bezug auf Ihre Nutzung von Diensten verletzen (sofern diese Nutzung nicht durch diese Bedingungen lizenziert ist);
• HIREIS-Spiele oder Teile davon verkaufen, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf virtuelle Währung oder virtuelle Gegenstände, Benutzerkonten und / oder Zugriff auf Benutzerkonten im Austausch gegen reale Währung oder Gegenstände mit Geldwert;
• bei einer Störung, Überlastung oder Unterstützung bei der Störung oder Überlastung eines von uns verwendeten Computers oder Servers ("Server") nicht mit uns kooperieren;
• Informationen veröffentlichen, die missbräuchlich, bedrohlich, obszön, diffamierend, verleumderisch oder rassistisch, sexuell, religiös oder auf andere Weise zu beanstanden oder beleidigend sind oder sich auf ein anhaltendes toxisches Verhalten einlassen, z. B. durch wiederholtes Posten von Informationen auf unaufgeforderter Basis;
• Informationen veröffentlichen, die Nacktheit, übermäßige Gewalt oder beleidigende Themen enthalten oder die einen Link zu solchen Inhalten enthalten.
• Missbrauch jeglicher Art zu befürworten oder versuchen, eine andere Person, Gruppe, einschließlich der Mitarbeiter von HIREIS, einschließlich der Kundendienstmitarbeiter von HIREIS, zu belästigen oder ihnen zu schaden.
• einen anonymisierenden Proxy verwenden.
• versuchen Informationen oder Daten von Diensten oder unseren Systemen zu sammeln.
• Anmeldeinformationen oder andere Anmeldeinformationen oder persönliche Daten von anderen Benutzern des Dienstes oder eines HIREIS-Spiels zu erhalten oder anzufordern.
Wir behalten uns das Recht vor festzustellen, welches Verhalten als Verstoß gegen die Nutzungsregeln unserer Dienste angesehen wird. In diesem Fall behalten wir uns das Recht vor Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, die die Kündigung Ihres Kontos einschließen und Ihnen die Nutzung des Dienstes als Ganzes oder in Teilen davon untersagen können.
What does HIREIS expect from me?
We expect you to enjoy and respect our services. You agree that under no circumstances will you:
• Use the Services in an unlawful manner, for an unlawful purpose or in a manner inconsistent with these Terms, or act fraudulently or maliciously; B. by hacking or inserting malicious code, including viruses or malicious data, into services or other operating systems;
• Participate (directly or indirectly) in the use of cheats, hacks, mods, exploits, automations, bots, software or any software designed to change the functions of the Services or use them;
• Carry out actions that, in the opinion of HIREIS, are contrary to the spirit or intent of the service, or intentionally improperly use the HIREIS support services.
• use services in a way that encourages illegal activity;
• infringe our intellectual property rights or the rights of any third party in relation to your use of the Services (unless such use is licensed by these Terms);
• Sell HIREIS games or parts thereof, including but not limited to virtual currency or virtual items, user accounts and / or access to user accounts in exchange for real currency or items with monetary value;
• do not cooperate with us in the event of a malfunction, overload or assistance in the malfunction or overload of a computer or server ("server") used by us;
• Post information that is abusive, threatening, obscene, defamatory, slanderous, racist, sexual, religious or in any other way objectionable or offensive, or engages in persistent toxic behavior; B. by repeating the posting of information on an unsolicited basis;
• Post information that contains nudity, excessive violence, or offensive topics, or that contains a link to such content.
• Advocate abuse of any kind or attempt to harass or harm another person, group, including HIREIS employees, including HIREIS customer service representatives.
• use an anonymizing proxy.
• try to collect information or data from services or our systems.
• Obtain or request credentials or other credentials or personal data from other users of the Service or any HIREIS game.
We reserve the right to determine which behavior is considered a violation of the rules for using our services. If so, we reserve the right to take steps that may include terminating your account and prohibiting you from using the service in whole or in part.
Do I have to pay for the services?
As mentioned above, you can play the game both as a free user and possibly through in-game purchases. If you want to make purchases in the game, should we offer this, you may be forwarded by our service to our third party payment service providers if our company does not carry out the actual payment process.
Payments are made in the currency of the country you live in and are non-refundable. When you make online purchases with HIREIS, you consent to the immediate execution of this purchase and accept that you will lose the right to withdraw your purchase once the purchase has been processed. HIREIS will reimburse you for completed transactions, unless otherwise stated in the product description or in the order confirmation.
Do you need information from me when I want to make purchases?
All of your financial information will be made available to our payment service providers should we use it.
If our associated payment service provider advises us that the personal and / or financial information you have provided is not true, inaccurate or incomplete, HIREIS has the right to cancel related financial transactions and to revoke all related software licenses acquired through such transactions and to inform the relevant authorities of the details of such incidents.
HIREIS games are operated with virtual game currencies ("virtual currency") such as coins, cash and / or diamonds or other currencies that you can buy for real money and use to purchase virtual objects in the game ("virtual objects"). < br>
Please note that you are only purchasing a limited, revocable, non-transferable license to use the virtual currency or items in the game, and agree that you do not have a title for it. If, in HIREIS 'sole discretion, your account is closed, terminated, suspended, modified or deleted for any reason, or if HIREIS ceases its games, all acquired or purchased virtual currency and virtual items will be forfeited. HIREIS is under no obligation to compensate you or any other person for any loss resulting therefrom.
Can I return or exchange my 'VIRTUAL CURRENCY'?
Under no circumstances can virtual currencies or virtual objects be exchanged with us or any other person for real money, goods, other objects or services of monetary value. Trading in virtual currencies or virtual objects outside of the game interface is strictly prohibited.
What is "CONTENT"?
"Content" means all software (including - without limitation - all games, titles and computer code), communications (including - without limitation - all documentation, stories, concepts, dialogues and character profile information), images, sounds and audiovisual effects, accounts, Virtual currency and virtual items as well as material created by HIREIS and / or received or made available by you while using the Services or developed during the course of the Games.
The content may also contain any feedback, comments or suggestions that HIREIS receives from you regarding the games. Unless expressly stated otherwise in writing, you understand and agree that all content along with "User Content" is owned by HIREIS.
We are permitted to use any content for any purpose, including, but not limited to, any commercial and / or promotional use, with no restrictions or compensation to you. All content is protected by copyright and may only be used with authorization. If you have acquired a right to the content, you agree and transfer solely and exclusively all such rights, titles and interests to HIREIS.
If any of the above cannot be achieved in any way, under this Agreement you are agreeing to grant HIREIS the only, exclusive, irrevocable, sublicensable, transferable, worldwide, royalty-free license to reproduce, modify, and create derivative works from, such Transfer, publish, use, distribute, sell, and publicly view content. To the extent permitted by law, you hereby agree to waive any moral or publicity or data protection rights that you may have in respect of such content.
I understand that I do not own the services, but can I comment?
We fully value your opinion, but you must understand that any suggestions for improvement or feedback you give about our service / product will be forwarded to us in all areas.
With this Agreement, you grant us a sublicensable, royalty-free, irrevocable, worldwide license to use and incorporate such suggestions and feedback into HIREIS Services without obligation to indemnify you. To the extent permitted by law, you waive any moral rights in such suggestions and feedback (e.g. the right to be identified as the author).
Can I give the game to someone? Rent as a gift or for money?
Each account is personal, which means that only the owner of the data entry can use the services. When you enter into this agreement, you agree to:
a. rent, lease, sublicense, lend, translate, merge, adapt, vary or modify any Services or your access to the Services;
b. make any changes or modifications to all or any part of the Services or allow the Services or parts thereof to be combined with or integrated into other programs or websites;
c. not to create any disassembled, decompiled, reverse engineered, or derivative works based on any or all of the Services;
d. include our copyright notice on all copies of the Services in whole and / or in part in any form; or
e. To provide or otherwise make available services by us in any form, in whole or in part (including but not limited to program lists, object and source program lists, object code and source code) to any person without the prior written consent of HIREIS.
Regardless of the above provisions, you undertake to fully indemnify us upon request from any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred, directly or indirectly, by using the Services that are not made in accordance with this Agreement or applicable law.
You agree to indemnify HIREIS (and our officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures and employees) from any and all claims, demands, damages or other losses, including reasonable attorney fees, asserted by any third party due to or due to Your use of the HIREIS or your breach of these Terms of Use.
Does HIREIS have any liabilities?
To the fullest extent permitted by law, HIREIS will not be liable to you for indirect, incidental, consequential, special, criminal or other similar damages, including, but not limited to, loss of revenue, lost profits, lost data, or business losses, INTANGIBLE LOSS (HOWEVER, THESE LOSSES ARE QUALIFIED) arising from these Terms of Use or the service itself or in any way related to it, regardless of whether this damage is based on contract, tort or other legal theory and whether or not HIREIS was advised of the possibility of such damage.
Unless prohibited by law, HIREIS will not be liable to you to you for more than the amount you paid HIREIS in accordance with these Terms and Conditions ..
You ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE that your sole remedy (and exclusive liability von HIREIS) for disputes with HIREIS consists in ceasing to use the service and terminating your account if you have not paid HIREIS during this period.
What happens if these Terms of Use become ineffective?
Let us collectively agree that any event that these Terms become ineffective, invalid or unenforceable under any applicable law or court, they will be deemed excluded from these Terms and the remainder of the Terms will remain in effect and effect in full.
Can I assign these terms to someone?
You may not assign any rights or obligations under the Terms of Use or Policies without the prior written consent of HIREIS, and any unauthorized assignment and transfer by you will be void.
HIREIS, on the other hand, can transfer or delegate these Terms of Use and / or the HIREIS Guidelines in whole or in part to a person or organization at any time with or without your consent.
Performance status:
Use of the services is at your own risk. The services are provided "as is". We do not guarantee or warrant that services and their content will always be available, in whole or in part, or that their use will not be interrupted.
You acknowledge that the Services may not be free from errors, and you agree that the presence of minor errors is not a violation of this Agreement. HIREIS assumes no responsibility for errors in the software, information or services referred to on this website.
By downloading and using the software or services offered on the website, you understand that you do so at your own discretion and risk, and you are solely responsible for any damage to your device system, loss of date, or other damage resulting from such activities.
Applicable law:
These Terms of Use and all related disputes are subject to and will be construed in accordance with CYPRIOT and EU law.
Force majeure:
HIREIS will not be liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations due to reasons beyond the reasonable control of HIREIS, including, but not limited to, failure to perform due to unforeseen circumstances or reasons beyond the reasonable control of HIREIS, such as: B. Force majeure, war, terrorism, civil unrest, embargoes, acts of civil or military authorities, fire, floods, accidents, strikes or bottlenecks in transport, fuel, energy, labor or materials.
At Stappenweg 8,
57439 Attendorn, Germany
Our privacy policy
Customer information according to the General Data Protection Regulation
Dear customers and business partners, with the following information we would like to inform you why we collect personal data of our customers and business partners and how we handle this data. This information sheet is also intended to make you aware of your rights as a data subject.
This data protection declaration clarifies the type, scope and purpose of the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as "data") within our online offer and the associated websites, functions and content as well as external online presences, such as our social media profiles (hereinafter jointly referred to as "online offer"). With regard to the terminology used, such as We refer to the definitions in Art. 4 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for “processing” or “responsible person”.
Hillebrand Management GmbH
At Stappenweg 8
57439 Attendorm
Types of data processed:
- Inventory data (e.g. names, addresses).
- Contact details (e.g .: email, telephone numbers).
- Content data (e.g. text input, photographs, videos).
- Usage data (e.g. websites visited, interest in content, access times).
- Meta / communication data (e.g. device information, IP addresses).
Data Subject Categories:
Visitors and users of the online offer (in the following we also refer to the persons concerned as "users").
Purpose of processing:
- Provision of the online offer, its functions and content.
- Answering contact requests and communicating with users.
- Safety measures.
- Reach measurement / marketing
Terms used:
“Personal data” is all information that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter “data subject”); A natural person is regarded as identifiable who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by means of assignment to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier (e.g. cookie) or one or more special features, which express the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of this natural person.
“Processing” is any process carried out with or without the help of automated processes or any such series of processes in connection with personal data. The term is broad and includes practically every handling of data.
"Pseudonymisation" is the processing of personal data in such a way that the personal data can no longer be assigned to a specific data subject without the use of additional information, provided that this additional information is stored separately and is subject to technical and organizational measures that ensure that the personal data cannot be assigned to an identified or identifiable natural person.
“Profiling” means any type of automated processing of personal data that consists of using this personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular aspects relating to work performance, economic situation, health, personal To analyze or predict the preferences, interests, reliability, behavior, whereabouts or relocation of this natural person.
The “person responsible” is the natural or legal person, authority, institution or other body that alone or jointly with others decides on the purposes and means of processing personal data.
“Processor” means a natural or legal person, authority, institution or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the person responsible.
Relevant legal bases:
In accordance with Art. 13 GDPR, we will inform you of the legal basis for our data processing.
If the legal basis is not mentioned in the data protection declaration, the following applies:
The legal basis for obtaining consent is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a and Art. 7 GDPR, the legal basis for processing for the performance of our services and the implementation of contractual measures as well as answering inquiries is Art. 6 Paragraph 1 lit. b GDPR, the legal basis for processing to fulfill our legal obligations is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. c GDPR, and the legal basis for processing to safeguard our legitimate interests is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR.
In the event that vital interests of the data subject or another natural person require the processing of personal data, Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. d GDPR as the legal basis.
Security measures:
In accordance with Art. 32 GDPR, taking into account the state of the art, the implementation costs and the type, scope, circumstances and purposes of processing as well as the different probability of occurrence and severity of the risk for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, we make suitable technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of protection appropriate to the risk.
The measures include, in particular, securing the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data by controlling physical access to the data, as well as the access, input, transfer, ensuring availability and their separation.
Furthermore, we have set up procedures that ensure the exercise of data subject rights, deletion of data and reaction to data threats. Furthermore, we already consider the protection of personal data during the development or selection of hardware, software and procedures, in accordance with the principle of data protection through technology design and data protection-friendly default settings (Art. 25 GDPR).
Cooperation with contract processors and third parties:
If we disclose data to other persons and companies (contract processors or third parties) within the scope of our processing, transmit them to them or otherwise grant them access to the data, this is only done on the basis of legal permission (e.g. if the data is transmitted to third parties, as is required for payment service providers in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b GDPR), you have consented, a legal obligation provides for this or on the basis of our legitimate interests (e.g. when using agents, web hosts, etc.).
If we commission third parties to process data on the basis of a so-called "order processing contract", this is done on the basis of Art. 28 GDPR.
Transfers to third countries:
If we process data in a third country (i.e. outside the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA)) or if this happens in the context of the use of third party services or disclosure or transmission of data to third parties, this will only take place if it happens to fulfill our (pre) contractual obligations, on the basis of your consent, on the basis of a legal obligation or on the basis of our legitimate interests.
Subject to legal or contractual permissions, we process or have the data processed in a third country only if the special requirements of Art. 44 ff. GDPR are met. I.e. processing takes place e.g. on the basis of special guarantees, such as the officially recognized determination of a data protection level corresponding to the EU (e.g. for the USA through the "Privacy Shield") or compliance with officially recognized special contractual obligations (so-called "standard contractual clauses").
Rights of data subjects:
You have the right to request confirmation as to whether the relevant data is being processed and to request information about this data as well as further information and a copy of the data in accordance with Art. 15 GDPR.
You have accordingly. Art. 16 GDPR the right to request the completion of the data concerning you or the correction of the incorrect data concerning you.
In accordance with Art. 17 GDPR, you have the right to demand that the relevant data be deleted immediately or, alternatively, in accordance with Art. 18 GDPR, to request a restriction on the processing of the data.
You have the right to request that you receive the data concerning you that you have provided to us in accordance with Art. 20 GDPR and to request that it be transmitted to other responsible parties.
You also have gem. Art. 77 GDPR the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority.
Right of withdrawal:
You have the right to revoke your consent in accordance with. To revoke Art. 7 Para. 3 GDPR with effect for the future.
Right of objection:
You can object to the future processing of your data in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR at any time. The objection can in particular be made against processing for direct marketing purposes.
Cookies and right to object to direct mail:
"Cookies" are small files that are stored on the users' computers. Various information can be stored within the cookies. A cookie is primarily used to store information about a user (or the device on which the cookie is stored) during or after their visit to an online offer.
Temporary cookies, or "session cookies" or "transient cookies", are cookies that are deleted after a user leaves an online offer and closes his browser. In such a cookie, e.g. the contents of a shopping cart in an online shop or a login status can be saved. Cookies are referred to as "permanent" or "persistent" and remain stored even after the browser is closed.
For example the login status can be saved if the user visits it after several days. The interests of the users can also be stored in such a cookie, which are used for range measurement or marketing purposes. "Third-party cookies" are cookies that are offered by providers other than the person responsible for operating the online offer (otherwise, if they are only their cookies, they are referred to as "first-party cookies").
We can use temporary and permanent cookies and clarify this in the context of our data protection declaration.
If users do not want cookies to be stored on their computer, they are asked to deactivate the corresponding option in the system settings of their browser. Saved cookies can be deleted in the system settings of the browser. The exclusion of cookies can lead to functional restrictions of this online offer.
A general objection to the use of cookies used for online marketing purposes can be made for a large number of services, especially in the case of tracking, via the US site or the EU site explained.
Furthermore, cookies can be saved by switching them off in the browser settings. Please note that you may then not be able to use all the functions of this online offer.
Deletion of data:
The data processed by us will be deleted or restricted in their processing in accordance with Art. 17 and 18 GDPR. Unless expressly stated in this data protection declaration, the data stored by us will be deleted as soon as they are no longer required for their intended purpose and the deletion does not conflict with any statutory retention requirements.
If the data are not deleted because they are required for other and legally permissible purposes, their processing will be restricted. I.e. the data will be blocked and not processed for other purposes. This applies e.g. for data that must be kept for commercial or tax reasons.
According to legal requirements in Germany, the storage takes place in particular for 10 years according to §§ 147 Abs. 1 AO, 257 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 and 4, Abs. 4 HGB (books, records, management reports, accounting documents, trading books, more relevant for taxation Documents, etc.) and 6 years according to § 257 Paragraph 1 No. 2 and 3, Paragraph 4 HGB (commercial letters).
According to legal requirements in Austria, storage takes place in particular for 7 years in accordance with Section 132 (1) BAO (accounting documents, receipts / invoices, accounts, receipts, business papers, list of income and expenses, etc.), for 22 years in connection with real estate and for 10 years for documents in connection with electronically provided services, telecommunications, radio and television services that are provided to non-entrepreneurs in EU member states and for which the Mini-One-Stop-Shop (MOSS) is used.
Business processing:
We also process
- Contract data (e.g .: subject of the contract, term, customer category).
- Payment data (e.g .: bank details, payment history)
by our customers, prospects and business partners for the purpose of providing contractual services, service and customer care, marketing, advertising and market research.
Agency services:
We process the data of our customers as part of our contractual services, which include conceptual and strategic advice, campaign planning, software and design development / advice or maintenance, implementation of campaigns and processes / handling, server administration, data analysis / consulting services and training services.
We process inventory data (e.g., customer master data, such as names or addresses), contact data (e.g., e-mail, telephone numbers), content data (e.g., text entries, photographs, videos), contract data (e.g., subject of the contract, term), payment data (e.g., Bank details, payment history), usage and metadata (e.g. in the context of evaluating and measuring the success of marketing measures).
In principle, we do not process special categories of personal data, unless these are part of a commissioned processing. Those affected include our customers, interested parties and their customers, users, website visitors or employees as well as third parties.
The purpose of processing is to provide contractual services, billing and our customer service. The legal basis for processing results from Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b GDPR (contractual services), Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR (analysis, statistics, optimization, security measures).
We process data that are necessary for the establishment and fulfillment of the contractual services and point out the necessity of their disclosure. Disclosure to external parties only takes place if it is necessary in the context of an order.
When processing the data provided to us as part of an order, we act in accordance with the instructions of the client and the legal requirements for order processing in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR and do not process the data for any purposes other than those specified in the order.
We delete the data after the expiry of statutory warranty and comparable obligations. the necessity of data retention is reviewed every three years; In the case of the statutory archiving obligations, the deletion takes place after their expiry (6 years, according to § 257 para. 1 HGB, 10 years, according to § 147 para. 1 AO).
In the case of data that has been disclosed to us by the client as part of an order, we delete the data in accordance with the specifications of the order, generally after the end of the order.
Contractual services:
We process the data of our contractual partners and interested parties as well as other clients, customers, clients, clients or contractual partners (uniformly referred to as "contractual partners") in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b. GDPR in order to provide you with our contractual or pre-contractual services. The data processed here, the type, scope and purpose and the necessity of their processing are determined by the underlying contractual relationship.
The processed data includes the master data of our contractual partners (e.g. names and addresses), contact details (e.g. e-mail addresses and telephone numbers) and contract data (e.g. services used, contract content, contractual communication, names of contact persons) and payment data (e.g. : Bank details, payment history).
As a matter of principle, we do not process special categories of personal data, unless these are components of commissioned or contractual processing.
We process data that are necessary for the establishment and fulfillment of the contractual services and point out the necessity of their disclosure, if this is not evident for the contractual partner. Disclosure to external persons or companies only takes place if it is required in the context of a contract. When processing the data provided to us as part of an order, we act in accordance with the instructions of the client and the legal requirements.
When using our online services, we can save the IP address and the time of the respective user action. The storage takes place on the basis of our legitimate interests, as well as the interests of the users in protection against misuse and other unauthorized use. A transfer of this data to third parties does not take place, unless it is to pursue our claims acc. Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR required or there is a legal obligation to do so in accordance with. Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c. GDPR.
The data will be deleted when the data is no longer required to fulfill contractual or statutory duties of care and to deal with any warranty or comparable obligations, whereby the need to store the data is checked every three years; Otherwise, the statutory retention requirements apply.
Administration, financial accounting, office organization, contact management:
We process data in the context of administrative tasks as well as the organization of our operations, financial accounting and compliance with legal obligations, such as archiving. In doing so, we process the same data that we process in the context of providing our contractual services.
The processing bases are Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. c. GDPR, Art. 6 Paragraph 1 lit. f. GDPR. Customers, interested parties, business partners and website visitors are affected by the processing.
The purpose and our interest in the processing lies in administration, financial accounting, office organization, archiving of data, i.e. tasks that serve to maintain our business activities, perform our tasks and provide our services.
The deletion of the data with regard to contractual services and contractual communication corresponds to the information given in these processing activities.
We disclose or transmit data to the financial administration, consultants, such as tax consultants or auditors, as well as other fee offices and payment service providers.
Furthermore, on the basis of our business interests, we store information about suppliers, organizers and other business partners, e.g. for later contact. We generally store this mostly company-related data permanently.
When contacting us (e.g. via the contact form, email, telephone or via social media), the information provided by the user is used to process the contact request and to process it in accordance with. Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b. (within the framework of contractual / pre-contractual relationships), Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f. (other requests) GDPR processed.
User information can be saved in a customer relationship management system ("CRM system") or a comparable request organization.
We delete the inquiries if they are no longer required. We review the requirement every two years; The statutory archiving obligations also apply.
Hosting and email delivery:
The hosting services we use are used to provide the following services: Infrastructure and platform services, computing capacity, storage space and database services, email dispatch, security services and technical maintenance services that we use for the purpose of operating this online offer.
In doing so, we or our hosting provider process inventory data, contact data, content data, contract data, usage data, meta and communication data from customers, interested parties and visitors to this online offer on the basis of our legitimate interests in an efficient and secure provision of this online offer in accordance with. Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR in conjunction with Art. 28 GDPR (conclusion of an order processing contract).
Collection of access data and log files:
We, or our hosting provider, collect data on the basis of our legitimate interests within the meaning of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f. GDPR data on every access to the server on which this service is located (so-called server log files).
The access data includes the name of the accessed website, file, date and time of access, amount of data transferred, notification of successful access, browser type and version, the user's operating system, referrer URL (the previously visited page), IP -Address and the requesting provider.
For security reasons (e.g. to investigate acts of abuse or fraud), log file information is stored for a maximum of 7 days and then deleted. Data, the further storage of which is necessary for evidence purposes, are excluded from deletion until the respective incident has been finally clarified.
Google Tag Manager:
Google Tag Manager is a solution with which we can manage so-called website tags via an interface (and thus, for example, integrate Google Analytics and other Google marketing services into our online offer). The Tag Manager itself (which implements the tags) does not process any personal user data. With regard to the processing of users' personal data, reference is made to the following information on Google services.
Usage guidelines:
Google Analytics:
On the basis of our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimization and economic operation of our online offer within the meaning of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f. GDPR), we use Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google LLC (“Google”). Google uses cookies. The information generated by the cookie about the use of the online offer by the user is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there.
Google is certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement and thus offers a guarantee to comply with European data protection law (
Google will use this information on our behalf to evaluate the use of our online offer by users, to compile reports on the activities within this online offer and to provide us with other services related to the use of this online offer and the internet. In doing so, pseudonymous user profiles can be created from the processed data.
We only use Google Analytics with activated IP anonymization. This means that the IP address of the user is shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. The full IP address is only transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there in exceptional cases.
The IP address transmitted by the user's browser will not be merged with other Google data. Users can prevent the storage of cookies by setting their browser software accordingly; In addition, users can prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and relating to their use of the online offer and from processing this data by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link:
You can find more information on data usage by Google, setting and objection options in the Google Privacy Policy ( and in the settings for displaying advertisements Google
The personal data of users are deleted or anonymized after 14 months.
Google AdWords and Conversion Measurement:
We use the services of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 on the basis of our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimization and economic operation of our online offer within the meaning of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f. GDPR) , USA, ("Google").
Google is certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement and thus offers a guarantee to comply with European data protection law
We use the online marketing process Google "AdWords" to place advertisements in the Google advertising network (e.g. in search results, in videos, on websites, etc.) so that they are displayed to users who have a presumed interest in the advertisements. This allows us to display advertisements for and within our online offer in a more targeted manner in order to only present users with advertisements that potentially correspond to their interests.
If a user e.g. Ads for products that he was interested in on other online offers are shown here as "remarketing". For these purposes, when our and other websites on which the Google advertising network is active, a Google code is immediately executed by Google and so-called (re) marketing tags (invisible graphics or code, also called " Web Beacons "called) integrated into the website.
With their help, an individual cookie, i.e. a small file is saved (instead of cookies, comparable technologies can also be used). This file records which websites the user has visited, which content he is interested in and which offers the user has clicked, as well as technical information on the browser and operating system, referring websites, visiting time and other information on the use of the online offer.
We also receive an individual "conversion cookie". The information obtained with the help of the cookie is used by Google to create conversion statistics for us. However, we only learn the anonymous total number of users who clicked on our ad and were redirected to a page with a conversion tracking tag. However, we do not receive any information with which users can be personally identified.
The data of the users are processed pseudonymously within the framework of the Google advertising network. I.e. Google stores and processes e.g. not the name or e-mail address of the user, but processes the relevant data cookie-related within pseudonymous user profiles.
I.e. From Google's point of view, the ads are not managed and displayed for a specifically identified person, but for the cookie holder, regardless of who this cookie holder is. This does not apply if a user has expressly allowed Google to process the data without this pseudonymisation. The information collected about the users is transmitted to Google and stored on Google's servers in the USA.
You can find more information on data usage by Google, setting and objection options in the Google Privacy Policy ( and in the settings for displaying advertisements Google
Integration of services and content from third parties:
We use content or service offers from third-party providers within our online offer on the basis of our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimization and economic operation of our online offer within the meaning of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. Services such as Include videos or fonts (hereinafter uniformly referred to as "content").
This always presupposes that the third-party providers of this content perceive the IP address of the users, since they would not be able to send the content to their browser without the IP address. The IP address is therefore required to display this content. We endeavor to only use content whose respective providers only use the IP address to deliver the content.
Third-party providers can also use so-called pixel tags (invisible graphics, also known as "web beacons") for statistical or marketing purposes. The "pixel tags" can be used to evaluate information such as visitor traffic on the pages of this website.
The pseudonymous information can also be stored in cookies on the user's device and contain, among other things, technical information about the browser and operating system, referring websites, visiting time and other information about the use of our online offer, as well as information from others Sources are connected.
Google ReCaptcha:
We bind the function to detect bots, e.g. for entries in online forms ("ReCaptcha") provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Data protection declaration:,
Functions and contents of the Xing service, offered by XING AG, Dammtorstraße 29-32, 20354 Hamburg, Germany, can be integrated into our online offer. For this purpose, e.g. Contents such as images, videos or texts and buttons belong with which users can share contents of this online offer within Xing. If the users are members of the Xing platform, Xing can call up the o.g. Assign content and functions to the profiles of the users there. Xing's privacy policy:
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